Quang Tri Investment, Trade and Tourism Promotion Agency welcomed and worked with the Finland Embassy Delegation in Vietnam

Tuesday - 07/11/2023 20:55
On October 4, 2023, Quang Tri Investment, Trade and Tourism Promotion Agency (Quang Tri IPA) had a reception and working session with the Delegation of the Embassy of Finland in Vietnam led by Mr. Keijo Norvanto - Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the Republic of Finland in Vietnam is the head of the delegation.
Quảng Trị IPA tiếp và làm việc với Đoàn Đại sứ quán Phần Lan tại Việt Nam
Quang Tri IPA welcoming and working with the Finland Embassy Delegation
 in Vietnam

Attending the meeting on the side of Quang Tri province were representatives of departments and branches: Foreign Affairs, Agriculture and Rural Development, Provincial Forest Protection Department, Ben Hai River Basin Protection Forest Management Board, Ben Hai Quang Tri Forestry One Member Co.,Ltd. Also participating in the business trip, the delegation of the Embassy of Finland in Vietnam included Team Finland Group operating in the agricultural sector of Finland with the desire to explore the potential and market in the agricultural sector. ; Connect with partners in Quang Tri province to promote cooperative relationships with Finnish partners.
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Mr. Nguyen Duc Tan - Director of Quang Tri welcoming the Ambassador.

Speaking at the meeting, Mr. Nguyen Duc Tan - Director of Quang Tri IPA respectfully thanked and expressed his honor to welcome the Ambassador and the delegation of the Finland Embassy in Vietnam to visit and works in Quang Tri province and has spent time working with Quang Tri IPA. At the same time, introduce to the Working Group the strategic location, natural conditions, outstanding potential advantages and policies, investment environment in the province.
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Mr. Nguyen Duc Tan - Director of Quang Tri IPA introducing the general planning of Quang Tri Southeast Economic Zone to the Ambassador.

Also at the meeting, Mr. Nguyen Duc Tan - Director of Quang Tri IPA said that Quang Tri is the leading province in the country implementing sustainable forest management, in 2022 the total area of ​​certified forests will be 18,321 hectares; In 2023, maintain the certified area (18,321 hectares). It is expected that in the coming years, it will continue to expand to maintain a stable level of 22,000 hectares.This is one of the very favorable conditions for the development of wood processing industry and export wood products. Besides, Quang Tri has a total natural area of ​​470,123 hectares, with an area of ​​forests and forestry land planned for forest development of 277,899 hectares. of which: Forests and land planned for special-use forests: 60,622 hectares, forests and land planned for protection forests 73,674.11 hectares, forests and land planned for production forests 143,603 hectares, forests outside the three types of forests are 10,715 hectares; accounting for 60.8% of the entire province's area; Forest coverage rate reaches 49.9% by 2022. With natural conditions, climate and land potential quite favorable for forestry development, Quang Tri has become a center for providing raw materials and processing planted forest wood in the Central region.
Currently in the province, there are 48 forest product processing factories licensed to invest and operate with a total capacity of licensed factories of over 2,500,000 tons/year, and an active capacity of over 1,300,000 tons/year. tons/year. Plantation wood processing factories/facilities in large quantities, widely distributed in localities in the province, thereby creating more jobs for workers, contributing to promoting development local economy.
With the unique potentials, advantages and economic potential that have been achieved combined with "new strengths" that are being invested and formed along with abundant human resources, the quality of administrative procedure reform is always high mimproved, Mr. Nguyen Duc Tan - Director of Quang Tri IPA expressed his hope that in the coming time, the Ambassador and the Finland Embassy in Vietnam will be interested in connecting and introducing Finland organizations and businesses to Quang Tri researches, researches and invests in projects in the province, especially in areas of Finland's strength such as forestry and wood processing.

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The Delegation visiting the MDF wood processing factory in Quan Ngang Industrial Park.
On the same afternoon, Quang Tri IPA guided the Ambassador and the Mission of the Finland Embassy in Vietnam to visit the MDF wood processing factory and had an exchange and connection session between the Embassy of Finland in Vietnam and leaders of VRG Quang Tri MDF Joint Stock Company at Quan Ngang Industrial Park.

Some pictures of the Finland Embassy Delegation in Vietnam visiting and working in Quang Tri province.

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Author: Hải Quang

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